Pipercross air filters have been used in every form of motorsport from Formula Ford to Formula 1.
This compact (7" L x 5.5" W x 3.5" H) filter is small enough to work on most cars even if the bodywork or air scoop is very close fitting. The three stage foam element draws air through the top as well as the sides to allow the greatest possible air flow for its size. The integral plastic base plate fits the Weber 32/36DGV carburetor and mounts the filter parallel to the valve cover on the Ford Kent 1600 Uprated and the Ford 2.0L SOHC Pinto engines. Simply place the included foam gasket on top of the carb top plate and drop the PX400 filter in place. Use the included O-rings and zip ties to secure the filter to the carburetor using the clips at each end.
The economical PX400 filter is not intended to be cleaned and re-oiled. It should be replaced at each engine rebuild, or after two racing seasons.